Sunday, 24 June 2012

Just Zen Garden


The Importance of Zen Gardens


Zen is a way of thinking that originated in India and has become very associated with Japanese culture. Those who follow Zen believe that perfection is impossible, that simplicity is ideal and that stillness and otherworldliness should be cherished. Some of the Zen monks made a living by constructing Japanese gardens and there is speculation over the extent to which Zen has influenced Japanese gardens. But Zen and Japanese gardens both have benefits, including stress relief.


Japanese Zen gardens are not necessarily considered a part of the Japanese garden, since many of the Japanese garden creators believed that Zen is more a focus on what's within you rather than the garden itself, which is the point of the Japanese garden. According to the Japanese Garden Journal, Zen monks meditated while facing a well rather than by sitting in a garden. Still, gardens can have a positive effect on an individual, including relieving stress.


Stress can have a variety of physical symptoms such as headaches, chest pain, heart disease, back pain, high blood pressure, decreased immunity, stomach sickness and problems with sleep. Those who are stressed out can experience anxiety, restlessness, worry, insecurity, a lack of focus and poor memory. Emotions like depression, sadness and anger can be triggered through stress. Many stressed individuals develop eating disorders, develop problems with relationships, experience angry outbursts and might turn to drugs, alcohol and smoking for stress relief.

Zen Meditation Benefits

Zen meditation has benefits that are both psychological and mental. According to the University of Florida, many individuals turn to meditation in order to think clearly. The deep breathing of meditation reduces the amount of oxygen that the body needs. Blood is directed away from the sympathetic nervous system, the part of the nervous system responsible for fight or flight responses, and instead directs more blood flow to the parasympathetic nervous system. The results of this change are lowered stress, greater energy conservation, increased creativity, reduced depression, less moodiness and improved relationships.

Garden Benefits

Maintaining a Zen garden can be just as physically strenuous as maintaining any other garden, which leads to Zen gardens serving as a source of exercise. According to Iowa State University, the actions of maintaining a garden can serve as stress relief as long as the gardener focuses on the tasks at hand. The plants in the garden produce oxygen that can be beneficial to the gardener's health and the plants can be very easy on the eyes.

Japanese Gardens

Japanese tea gardens have been considered by some, including original tea master Sen no Rikyu, to have a purifying effect. The design of the Japanese gardens tended to be very simplistic, much in line with the Zen ideals of simplicity. Many of the elements of the Japanese garden, such as the stones, water and bridges, have symbolic resonance among Zen monks

Strecth for health




Forget high-school-gym wisdom. Use this myth-busting plan for breakthroughs in flexibility, performance, and injury prevention
Unless you need to build your tolerance for boredom, most stretching is a waste of time. After all, when you review the research, it's clear that the most widely held principles of flexibility training simply don't work. Which is why few guys ever stick with it and even regular practitioners struggle to touch their toes. Worse, follow those age-old rules closely, and studies show that you'll actually be more likely to suffer a pulled muscle than if you hadn't stretched at all.
That's why it's time we rewrite the book on stretching and provide you with a flexibility plan that's not only effective, but also simple, fast, and painless. Your first order of business is to forget everything your high-school gym coach, workout partner, or yoga-loving girlfriend ever told you about stretching. Then memorize the new rules that follow. The benefit? You'll reduce your risk of injuries, improve your overall athleticism, and have an easier time tying your shoes.

Flexibility 101

Before we get to the rules, it's important to understand the basicbut typically misunderstoodscience of stretching. First, a couple of definitions. There are two major types of stretching: static and dynamic.
You're probably more familiar with the former. For instance, a static stretch for your hamstrings is what you think it isa movement in which you lean forward until you feel a slight discomfort in the target muscle, then stretch the muscle by holding that position for a few seconds.
Although it's often prescribed as an injury-prevention measure, static stretching before a workout might be the worst of all strategies. Because it forces the target muscle to relax, it temporarily makes it weaker. As a result, a strength imbalance can occur between opposing muscle groups. For example, stretching your hamstrings causes them to become significantly weaker than your quadriceps. And that may make you more susceptible to muscle strains, pulls, and tears in the short term.
Static stretching also reduces bloodflow to your muscles and decreases the activity of your central nervous systemmeaning it inhibits your brain's ability to communicate with your muscles, which limits your capacity to generate force. The bottom line: Never perform static stretching before you work out or play sports.
Now, before you abandon static stretching for good, realize that it does have value. That's because improving your "passive" flexibility through static stretches is beneficial in the nonathletic endeavors of everyday lifesuch as bending, kneeling, and squatting. All you have to know is the right stretch for the right time.

Brain It up


Pimp Your Brain: 8 Simple Tricks to Improve Cognition, Memory, and Alertness

brain21. Just Use It
Did you know over 30% of high school graduates and over 40% of college graduates never read another book in their lives? If you want to keep your brain sharp, you have to keep those neurons firing. A good goal if you aren’t in the reading habit is one book per month. After a few months, see if you can step it up to one book per week. Television is passive while reading is active. I don’t have television anymore, and this helps me achieve my aim of reading 2 or 3 books weekly. (Though some books take a lot longer than others!) Developing the reading habit is difficult at first because it takes work. But, like physical exercise for your body, that’s how you know it is actually benefiting your brain. You don’t have to crawl in agony through Ulysses (seriously, take my word for it, you don’t); non-fiction and history are great choices, as well.
2. Stay Nimble
It’s a great idea to do crossword puzzles, games, quizzes, memory tests, and other mind-twisters. Even online computer games and Sudoku puzzles are fun ways to keep your brain active and sharp. Find some you like and do them frequently. Here are some games; or you can develop your logical reasoning. I like to study the logical fallacies. Yep, I’m a nerd. Sweet!
3. Get Enough Sleep!
Though it should go without saying, if you do not get adequate sleep every night, your cognitive function will be severely impaired. I used to have trouble sleeping, and even after dietary changes and increased exercise, I still had a tough time falling asleep. This made me grouchy in the mornings. I finally realized I wasn’t giving myself enough “processing” time. I would work and read and write all day, and then I’d exercise and try to go straight to bed. Bad idea. Now I play a little every night and even – horror of horrors – turn off the computer. Sometimes I slip back into my old ways, but I’m getting better. If you’ve got some good sleep tips, pass them along to the rest of us!
4. Drink water.
One of the simplest ways to stay alert and refreshed – particularly in the afternoon slump – is to drink pure, cool water. I used to enjoy running down to Starbucks for an afternoon latte, until my neighbor encouraged me to drink two full glasses of water after lunch instead. Not only is this much less costly, it’s very effective. Try it. (I still love my morning coffee, though…)
5. Manage stress. Here’s one tip.
Obviously, if you are stressed, your powers of concentration and your ability to be productive can become severely hampered. Though life has its ups and downs and we can’t eliminate stress entirely, managing it is key to maximizing your brainpower. There are many ways to do this, of course. I’d love for you to share your tips in the comments. Here’s one small thing that really made a significant change for me. We often say “it’s going to work out” when we are feeling anxious or uncertain. I’m betting you’ve probably said it many times, right? It’s a rational, sensible thing to say, after all. One day early this past summer, I was sitting idly in traffic thinking about a recent setback. I suddenly found myself thinking “no, it’s not going to work out – it is working out”. I started saying it to myself a lot. Being a so-called “type A” (A+, according to my friends), the tendency to over-think will probably always be something I have to manage. But simply making that verb change was really effective for me. It keeps me in the present instead of me wasting my present concentrating on possible futures that may or may not happen. This might seem obvious to you, but it really works well for me!
6. Cover the physical bases.
This means eating the right foods, for starters. Imagine your best friend wants to get healthy. You’d help them focus on eating the freshest, most natural, nutritious foods, and you wouldn’t tempt them with junk food, sugars, and processed snacks. Okay – your best friend is you.
7. Fish oil!
You all know I’m a dietary fat fanatic. I eat lots of fat, but I also take Mark’s fish oil pills – usually a double-dose, in fact. I recently went about a week without taking any out of sheer and utter slackitude, and let’s just say it wasn’t pretty. However, you don’t have to take my word for it. Hundreds of studies have confirmed the amazing benefits of essential fatty acids – such as those available in fish oil – for your cognition, memory, and mood. I recommend going to PubMed and running a quick search if you want to start digging into the studies (they’re endless).
8. Don’t do things that will shrink your brain (literally).
Smoking and drug abuse and alcoholism have major consequences on mental function down the line. Nobody is perfect and we all have our indulgences, but if you are struggling with addiction or think you might be, do not be afraid to seek help.
Two 20-year-old female brains during memory task. Photo source.
There are many more excellent tips to improve cognition, memory, alertness and aptitude. What are yours?

Amazing COLOUR



General guides to colour self help
  • In its natural form it is daylight. 
  • Helps the mind to be open, clear and receptive. 
  • Not good if feeling isolated or cut off as it encourages depression and body chills.
  • Dark and severe reds tend to have the ability to over-stimulate and agitate. 
  • Helps with blood pressure, cold hands and feet and hypertension.
  • Brighter oranges are very social and gregarious. 
  • Deeper oranges like terracottas are very warming. 
  • Helps with muscular tension and liver disorders.
  • Falls between yellows and oranges. 
  • Less irritating to the nervous system than yellow. 
  • Very beneficial for pain in the joints and arthritis.
  • Bright sharp yellows are very tiring and can trigger migraines and travel sickness. 
  • Helps tissue renewal and constipation. 
  • Soft yellows used with bright blues are good for mental stimulation and growth in children.
Bright Greens
  • Those greens often referred to as Kelly Green are found to energise the central nervous system. 
  • Used with clear blues and pure white this type of green encourages physical activity.
Dark Greens
  • Assists blood circulation and helps concentration. 
  • Think of the ‘green room’ used by an actor prior to a performance.
Pale Greens
  • Very soothing with anti-stress qualities. 
  • Promotes an even and steady heart rhythm and harmony.
  • Between blue and green, helps if there is emotional anxiety or hyperactivity. 
  • Useful to balance blood sugar and insulin levels.
Pale Blues
  • Cooling and helps encourage rest. 
  • Helps self-reliance. 
  • Balance for over-activity.
Dark Bright Blues
  • Immune boosting. 
  • Certain types of headaches and bilious stomach-ache can be corrected with this colour.
  • It is this deep blue-violet that has been used in medicine bottles over the years. 
  • Useful where fear is stopping activity. 
  • Sedative.
  • Mix of violet and red. 
  • Nurturing, promotes intuition, meditative and insightful. 
  • Positive effect on the pineal gland.
  • Described as blue/pink. 
  • Helps with lack of co-ordination, recent shock and excess stress. 
  • Darkest hues of this colour are formal and austere and may feel unwelcoming.
  • Blending of two neutrals. 
  • As a mid tone colour it has been used to denote cool rational thinking. 
  • Helps heavy metal toxicity. 
  • Too much of this colour is demotivating.
  • Earthy blend of orange, ochre yellow and black. 
  • Denotes dependability. 
  • Can make individuals feel secure and stable. 
  • Darkest form of orange.
  • Black equates to lack of light – night – and is used to rest mind and body. 
  • Self-sufficient and hard – it is used during periods of extreme change and trauma. 
  • It can be protective and has been used traditionally to signify death and mourning.
Information collated by Carolyn Atkinson, Resene Colour Consultant, 2004.

Monday, 18 June 2012

Step to hide your emotion


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How to hide your Emotion

Have you ever felt that your emotions take you for a ride when you actually, really don't need them to do that right now? Well there are ways of controlling your emotions whether you get too excitable or if you are really hurt and feel like falling to pieces.


  1. 1
    Put your emotions into a "box theory". This is when you get whenever you feel sad or hyper. Make an imaginary box and visualize your emotions going into the box and the lid being closed. This is good because it allows you to forget about those emotions for a while, but beware not to let them fester in there because when they escape there will be an emotional over load and you wont know what to do. This is a short term emotional control for quick fix situational changes.
  2. 2
    Control your emotions mentally. Mental control is the best if you are remembering a situation or are in a situation where you need to keep in control. An example would be a relationship break up. Emotions are part of your state of mind, and with enough mental control you can choose how you feel. Say to yourself 'actually I don't want to feel like this, I want to feel like that', and although the other emotion may still linger it will die down and eventually you won't feel it as much.
  3. 3
    Start the day in a positive way. Nobody wakes up and thinks, "Today I'm going to have a really awful day". Most people wake up and don't even think about the day ahead. Try this: "Today is going to be a good day?" This way, you start the day having a positive outlook on life. Try being as nice and positive to everybody and set yourself simple little tasks during the day, for example, "Today, I shall eat five pieces of healthy fruit or vegetables" or "I shall smile at that boy or girl I have liked for ages".
  4. 4
    Talk about how you feel. The best way to solve something that's upsetting you is talking to someone, even if it's your dog. Talking about things helps to make things clearer and tends to help your brain sort out situations.
  5. 5
    Scream. Find a wide, open space where you are not likely to get a lot of attention and shout as loud as you can.
  6. 6
    Just talk to yourself when you feel more calm. When you feel that you can talk to nobody, just talk to yourself, and maybe that would help you feel more relaxed.
  7. 7
    Punch a pillow. When you are angry, or you need to let your emotions out privately, just go into a closed room, where nobody will bother you, and let your stress come out sometimes. Punch a pillow, and it will slowly put you in a calm position.
  8. 8
    Detach yourself. If you are close to emotional overload or don't want anyone to know how your feeling; take a step back from yourself and your emotions. Pretend you're looking at them from someone else's point of view or just shove them deep down and try to forget about them.



Alice-in-Wonderland syndrome (AIWS, named after the novel written by Lewis Carroll), also known as Todd's syndrome, is a disorienting neurological condition that affects humanperception. Sufferers may experience micropsiamacropsia, or size distortion of other sensory modalities. A temporary condition, it is often associated with migrainesbrain tumors, and the use of psychoactive drugs. It can also present as the initial sign of the Epstein-Barr Virus (see mononucleosis).Anecdotal reports suggest that the symptoms of AIWS are fairly common in childhood, with many people growing out of them in their teens. It appears that AIWS is also a common experience at sleep onset. Alice in Wonderland Syndrome can be caused by abnormal amounts of electrical activity causing abnormal blood flow in the parts of the brain that process visual perception and texture.

Bukti Kiamat Tak Dapat Diramal



10 Ramalan Palsu Tentang Kiamat

1. Ayam Peramal dari Leeds, 1806
Ramalan kiamat palsu yang pertama datang dari Leeds, Inggris. Sejarah telah menuliskan banyak tokoh yang menyerukan bahwa hari kiamat hampir datang dengan ditandai kedatangan nabi. Namun, mungkin “nabi” yg super aneh adalah seekor ayam petelur dari Kota Leeds, Inggris, 1806. Ayam ini awalnya disangka menghasilkan telur yang bertuliskan “Kristus akan datang”. Seiring menyebarnya kabar mujizat ini, banyak orang menjadi percaya bahwa kiamat hampir tiba sehingga seorang penduduk yang penasaran akhirnya mengawasi sang ayam ketika bertelur dan menyaksikan penipu yang menuliskan kalimat itu.

Quote A Lot

Some famous quotes from our old pal , 
Abraham Lincoln
and surely not this dude
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter